£)e<%4 c G'ux.&bs UNIVSftSfi Y ARCHIVES A, u. C. LIBRARY THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO FACULTY MEETING Minute* of the Faculty Meeting of Monday, December 16, 1968 The meeting was opened at lslS bY Chairman Jones. 18* AGENDA: The agenda was approved after the addition of two items of business under miscellaneous: (a) Dr. Saleh1s recommendation to hold a second commencement between semesters. (b) Report from Personnel policies and Procedures Committee. 19* MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. 20. REPORT OF MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The Chairman requested an extension of this report until the next faculty meeting. 21* REPORT QF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MAY 1968 RECOMMENDATION: Dean Crabbs presented a report to the faculty...