THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO FACULTY MEETING TUESDAY AFTERNOON May 1k9 1968 at 1§30 P*H* in ROOM 130SS AGENDA 1) Approval of the Agenda,, 2) Approval of Minutes of Meetings of November 29* 196?* March 2 and March k9 1968, 3) Continuation of previous business? revision of faculty by-laws* li) Planning of the University*s objectives* curriculum* programs and related mattersg statement by president Bartlett* COMMENT? Last meeting was attended by a bare, major!ty> giving a quorum which permitted action on roughly the first half of the By Laws Revision Commit tees report. Many members were not there however* and to insure a full quorum may I again call for each member to plan to attend so that his vote may be c oante do Gene G* Kassebaum ...