LIIITUTSS OF THE COUUCIL OF {CHS* ALERICA1I UUrVHRSITY AT CAIRO. OCT 11,1924. 427. QRGAIIS^IIQE She Council of the American University at Cairo met on October 11th, 1924, with Dr.Y/atson presiding.The following members were present: Professors Cleland,L!cQuiston,Jeffery and Galt. Professor ilcQuiston led in prayer* 428* A. UTAH The minutes of the previous meeting were approved* 429. FI14UTCF COLEI- The report of the Finance Committee of October 11th, 1924, EIn RETORT. was approved and filed* 430* LIBBnhY CR -1. T. The President reported that the Special C omit tee which has been appointed to consider the best use of the financial grant from the Egyptian Passion Property Trust for the purpose of extending to ilissionaries of Societies affili...