r . , - . _ ' / ■LiliTUTRS OS' THE C0TJ1TCIL OF THE AIIERICA1T UHIVERSITY AT CAIRO.OCT.4, IS24. 423. CEGA1TIZ AT IOU • The Council of the American University at Cairo met on October 4th, 1924 with Dr.V/atson presiding. The followiig members were present: Professors Cleland,LIc4uiston and Galt. Dr.'Jatson opened the meeting with prayer. 424. MBTUTSS The Llinutes of the meeting of September 27th, 1924, v/ere corrected and cp proved. 425. REPORT OF PROPERTY COi.PUTTEE The Property Committee reported on various items of their routine work and their report was approved and filed. 426. ADJOURNMENT. The Council adjourned. Galt, Secy.