67. ADJOURNMENT The Council adjourned to meet again at the call < of the President* Galt, Secretary, MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO—Oct, 14, 1922. 68. ORGANIZATION The Council of the American University at Cairo met on October 14, 1922 with the following members present; Dr. C. R. Watson, Dr. R. S. McClenahan, Professors Cleland, Jeffery and Galt. Mr, Galt opened the meeting with prayer. 69. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 70. SERVANTS1 LIVERY The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. The Bursar reported that some serious difficulties had been encountered in working out the matter of the servants* lively. He asked that final action be postponed until he could present another report. This was granted. 71. MR. ADAM...