li c, Vo File \ MEKTING Or' COUNCIL February 27. 1945 - 11: (A; a«nu 2319- f:-: a>lNTs ur* at sen 9 in the chair; rnesarc. Tdam@, du&tor, Ole la nd, Howar d. Dr. watson led in prayer. 2320- iUTHUTSSs Council approved the Ml nates of February 13, 1943, after amendment* B3B1~X?PA* of dsp.v-p; Council resumed discussion, begun at ~~w the previous meeting, of names to bo riven to the several departments, the College Faculty having in the meantime considered the matter (sea Art# 2317). It was decided to recommand to the Trustees the following: (1) that the two secondary d ©partite at a should make up one school; (2) that this school should ho called the "Lincoln school’*; (3) that it should consist of two departments, one, the present Govern...