ALUMNI/STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, May 17, 1990 12:00 p.m. Meridian House Int'l Present: Mrs. Driscoll (Acting Chairperson), Mr. Eilts, Mrs. Thorne, Dr. Pedersen Others: Dr. Allam, Dr. Lamont, Mrs. Davidson, Roberta Brown (Associate) Reporter: Mary Judith Sundstrom 1. The agenda was approved as presented. 2. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. 3. Final Tuition Decisions: Vice President Allam summarized the paper. Tuition is to remain at the present level which is $6800. Progress is being made on the subsidies, and they are drawing closer to the targeted percentages as outlined in the University's policy. These are as follows: TOp 25% to receive 75% subsidy Next 25% to rec...