Meeting: Present: . February 21, 1984 MINUTES OF ENGINEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 21, 1984, President's Office, 1:30 p.m. Messrs. Abde1 Hamid, Kruger, Baird, Hedlund, Farag, Kamal Eldin, Hunsberger, Ms. Morse. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Euan Baird. He reviewed some of the decisions made at the meeting with the local advisors, and Dr. Hunsberger commented more fully on the new computer science major. He said that the program will require at least 3 new faculty members and that due to a tremendous demand, it is extremely difficult to find qualifying professors with Ph.D.s to teach. Dr. Hunsberger said the University hopes to offer the new major by Fall 1985 on the condition that adequate faculty is found. ...