I I I - 2 .. spr'ng semester the flnlverslty was offering 143 courses, as opposed to 164 last year. Nine American graduate language fellows and theIr fami Hes had moved from Berkeley to Ca'ro. FOllr American Engl Ish language Institute fellows had gone f~ Columbia Teachers College to , Ca'ro. The AmerIcan and foreign Anc ArabIc Studies .fellows were now In Cairo. The Department of ~ubtlc Service dur'ng the fall tenn had registered the largest enrollment In Its history, that is, 2,345, the absolute maximum. There had been no changes In textbooks or changes In course offerIngs r.sultfng from sequestration. The reduced course offerings were the product of a slightly reduced faculty. The examlna~ tlon of the curricula, relatIve to Egyptian accr...