Dear Bl11, DOUGLA9 HORTON RANDOLPH NEW HAMPSHIRE you may alreo.dy have houd. w:tnt I now writs to toll you, that:. t ho lonc ... oxlatinl tension bot~1ctOn tho Amerioan ltl1vorsity at O&1ro o.m the S3Yl,Uan govor!ll1fmt. as to "hothor tho olmerohip of' the univorsity o'tould bo TOStod. in the ~vert'D9nt. or not ho.a juat roached. a. criob whlch 19 o.beorbinr; oloost tho lfholo tiuo o f' the univer:l1 t:I ~il".1stratlt'1n . Proo l dont. !:ohain is to 800 p r tloidont r aBBor as ooon Q.B an interview can be .. rra.n,god , ard in v i etl ot the rae~ that the latter has helpod va before, wo no~ vi thout hope that ho may do .0, and this timG pormr.nenUy. In tho ltOant1mo3 I howovo r, I have had a l e tter 0 1:..1 Prooldent t eLain oxp...