I I (..aJ: 1 H'c o ) rpose t h"H I.r .. ed, r bet.W'm~n 2) UI ati. . eve "al lae' ,rmd un.der-going ·re _ on.'l''' n, ij, ,," ,:. 1tJ'Jlel ie' nUn .. ve-rsit,' aL ~ irCl Be +~ .~ ",: (' ) J -en. ~rn..al. and flex} bl ( 3) uni vet" fI f U" (h-:' .d strong: by thf~ Aruerl.can ,';!~~ t I J;" an ~~ IJ(! ~ t (mal trad ' tj on nd de ~ 1 gned. be aerve: ~ ~~, .:i'VE!ly .' r.l the .Arab ru:' tUt"~l and educ- t- ol'\al pil:ie·u It .. strease· t.he liberal .atudiel~ i art, and I:]C i.encaa and thceby seek to J.mp aye man thlNlUgh the developm· nt of hif' empathic cap~cj t j hi 1'ealS~ning and ritl.cal think"l\lg" hi.s aesthe h: nd lntu..Ltive e pres. ion and his ce;ffective com= num CIl t i on in both spC!c::Lal :r.;ed and ;~ener.al fields u [t provi...