5 task of preservIng the environment, thnt 113, i'o ' put It bluntly, of pr~ sor vlng lIfe on oarth. That does not mean of course -rts~-r dave 10pn!Elnt can ue or Iv i II bo neg I oded . f)cv(J loprrent mus-r go on i.!lt an f;)CCO I eruted pace, with ev(;n qn.';'li-cr hflf) -rf"Orn the dove loped coulltrios, bui' 11" :::ust tak (~ account of the I i ml ts thai" natura hus placod en our resourCGs, on the waters even of the Nile and tho ~'~ lss1ss1pfJl, on tho air I'le br(;lCltho. Each ~jenera-J"lon looks at tho vJOrld throWJh dlHerGllt spcctucius. It j:; neCG5Sary 'that It should do so. I'n thout the qonerat I on ~;[jp C i v II i 7.:,,1' ion wow I d 5 tugnato or per Ish. U Thant. the fonner secr0tm"y Genel~al p'f the Unlied Natlcfls, has sai...