i 3 856 REPORT OF THE The Chairman introduced Mr. Robert E. Culbertson, Vice President, VICE PRESIDEIIT who had assured his duties in the International Office in New York in December 1956 after serving for two months in Cairo. Mr, Culbertson rend and enlarged upon portions of the attached statement outlining plans for large-saa,le fund raising involving every trustee and staff member, and reouesting appointment of ra fund raisin; committee. It wa.s decided to leave this report open for discussion on Saturday morning. 857 ADJOURNMENT Tho meeting adjourned .at 5:15 p.m. At 6 p.m. on March 8, the annual Cairo Dinner was held at the IIational Arts Club on Gramercy Park with Dr. Horton as Master of Ceremonies. There were 144 guests. Dr. Howard i...