The American University at Cairo MISNUTES OF THE THIRTY-EIGHTH AITITUAL MEETIIIG of THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES New York City 8-9 March 1957 (Agenda attached) 852 ORGAITIZATIOIT The Thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of The American University at Cairo was held on March 8-9, 1957, at the Gramercy Park Hotel, New York City. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Horton, Chairman, at 2 p.m., anR opened with prayer. Present: Messrs, Cleland, Dirks, Garrett, Gillespie, Harbison (Frederick H.), Harbison (Ralph W.) , Horton, Van Vleck, Mesdames Lloyd and Stevenson; Honorary Trustee Calverley; and. Dr. McLain, President, Mr. Culbertson, Vice President, Dr. Howard, Education-al Secretary, and Miss Anna Lister, Comptroller. Explanations...