i Aftor this plan, tho immodiato problom is to raiso tho 500,000 nocossary for tho ror_oval of tho Lincoln School. Aftor this pro joct is complot,., a socond campaign for tho rolloval of tho Faculty of irts and Scioncos would bo inau3urat-od, tho "first staoo" buildings of tho Faculty of Arts and Sci.;ncos group would bu oroctod. Thus would bo followoci by tho "socond star.;" buildings as quickly agi; funds could bo socur-od. Financin _ tho Romoval of Lincoln School - To financo tho romoval of Liacoln School, tho following rosourcos aro availablo: Funds raised in USA (oxcludin.. j 7ey)rhausor) 82,091 Salo of Cairo propevtzs Suburban Plots XYZ Z 44615 SM at 2.- 357,520 City Situ - 2810 Si. at 30.- 337,200 Total Rosourcos Cost of Lincoln Scho...