5 (' 0 5 89 APPROVAL OF BUILDING PLANS It was reported (1) that the Finance Committee cTJT3n?TTTPD try F E ' cr '7)r1, TTT7- concurred in the recommendation of the representa-tives of the Board of T unters lnd C uncil in Egypt that steps be taken to implement Plan #4 of Mr. Garrett's report, the time--table suggested by Dr. 9adeau, and the Five Year P'an for strengthening the staff: and (2) that the Finance Committee recommended that the Board of Trustees give its favorable consideration to these measurer subject to developments of a general economic nature that may recuire change or. substitution. Tamis report of the Finance Committee was received and its recommendation adopted. 590. RrPORT OF TRUSTEES Building Plan #4 - Dr. Potter and Mr....