Election of Standing Committees 4. THAT the Standing Committees be constituted as follows, with quorum in each case as indicated: EXECUTIVE - Quorum 3 Horton Z or Dodds) Weyerhaeuser Steele (Treasurer) Lisle ) Members-at- Jewett ) large Harbison) Sizoo ) Chairmen Garrett ) of Standing Potter ) Committees BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS - 2 Garrett, Chairman Cleland Thornton Madison (Secretary) CHRISTIAN PROGRAM - 2 Potter, Chairman And rus Erdman Mrs. Stevenson FINANCE - 4 'iarbis on, Chairman Steele (Treasurer) Dodds Me le nahan Gillespie) Investments Craig ) Lockhart ) EDUCATION -- 3 Sizoo, Chairman Calverley Potter Thorne Madison (Secretary 609. APPRECIATION OF SERVICES In view of the special efforts put forth by-carious individuals in behalf of t...