151 REPORT OF THE DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL STUDIES For the year 1933-34. Dear President Watson: Herewith I present i4y annual report of the School of Orient-al Studies, for the school year ending in June 1934. ENROLMENT: The total enrolment for the year was 66. Of these, 34 were men, and 32 were women. The following table indicates the enrolment by nationalities, and missionaries and others: Americans, Missionaries 7; others 5, total 12 British " 18; 20 " 38 Germans 11 6 1 " 7 Swiss It 3 1 " 4 Dutch 2 - - -" 2 • Swedish 1 - - " 1 Russian 1- - -" 1 Esthonian " 1 rr i 37 29 66 That is, 56% of the enrolment were accredited missionaries from American, British or Continental organizations, and 44% were non-missionary. These latter re-prese...