29b REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL STUDIES 1930 - 1931 The year has been an uneventful one so far as the usual work of the School has gone. ENROLLMENT The total number of students who have enrolled for various courses during the Academic year - 87. They are divided MISSIONS as follows: NATIONALITIES American Mission 5 American 23 C.M.S. 14 British 49 E.S.M. 5 German 3 Nile Mission Press 1 Dutch 3 A.U.C. 8 Bulgarian 1 Apostolic Assemblies 1 Armenian 2 Holiness 4ission 3 Welsh 1 Scotch Mission 1 Italian 2 German Mission 2 Norwegian 2 Dutch Mission 2 Egyptian 1 Brethren 1 Bible Society 1 N.V.E.C. 1 S.P.C.K. 2 Gospel Mission 1 Armenian Church 1 Unattached 38 Among the Unattached this year we have had an unusual...