Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Ata pi'i cadi ro'a (Human becomes Monkey). Bethu Wonggane recorded with the AT2020 mic 22 June 2015 by SD on 'woga' by Mumbo's hut near Mata Mere. We recorded four tales and a 'huru'. This one is a fairy tale; Human becomes Monkey. With Pidu (Ebbe).Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in the plantation north of Mata mere of man from Keli domain, kampong Kaju keri
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Raja no'o Puteri (King and Princess). Recorded late morning 14 June 2015 i...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Sinyo Welen 2 (Raja no'o Putri, King and Princess). This tale is told fro...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o Waja (Monkey and Crocodile). The first of four tales told by Bapak Be...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Nusa Tale no'o Mbu ritu. Toji Kandane (Ko'a) tells a Palu'e fairy tale; Nu...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Umbundilujariku. Maria Methi recorded by Maria Methi in her home in Mata m...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Dita wea no'o Koli loi (Dita wea and Koli loi). Pidu (Ebbe, b. 1979), Mata...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and rat). Mboe Erixon (12 yrs) recorded by his sist...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Anane Dheke. Petrus Baga knew many tales, Pidu found out. This tale, about...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title:Thusu sone (Many Breasts). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere, tells the funny ...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Diji no'o Loi. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his home in the e...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere,...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat). Ignasius Cawa, Cawalo, tells a short fable ab...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Paji Sundune tells a fable, Ro'a no'o De'u (Mon...
Genre: Fairy tale/ancestor myth. Title: Bai Lera. Kanda Sera (Ko'a) tells a Palu'e fairy tale, about...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Raja no'o Puteri (King and Princess). Recorded late morning 14 June 2015 i...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Sinyo Welen 2 (Raja no'o Putri, King and Princess). This tale is told fro...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o Waja (Monkey and Crocodile). The first of four tales told by Bapak Be...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Nusa Tale no'o Mbu ritu. Toji Kandane (Ko'a) tells a Palu'e fairy tale; Nu...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Umbundilujariku. Maria Methi recorded by Maria Methi in her home in Mata m...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Dita wea no'o Koli loi (Dita wea and Koli loi). Pidu (Ebbe, b. 1979), Mata...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and rat). Mboe Erixon (12 yrs) recorded by his sist...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Anane Dheke. Petrus Baga knew many tales, Pidu found out. This tale, about...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title:Thusu sone (Many Breasts). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere, tells the funny ...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Diji no'o Loi. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his home in the e...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere,...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat). Ignasius Cawa, Cawalo, tells a short fable ab...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Paji Sundune tells a fable, Ro'a no'o De'u (Mon...
Genre: Fairy tale/ancestor myth. Title: Bai Lera. Kanda Sera (Ko'a) tells a Palu'e fairy tale, about...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Raja no'o Puteri (King and Princess). Recorded late morning 14 June 2015 i...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Sinyo Welen 2 (Raja no'o Putri, King and Princess). This tale is told fro...