Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Paji Sundune tells a fable, Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat), a title we have recorded many times. Recorded by SD with the AT2020 mic in the evening 24 June -15 in her home sitting with her father Sundu. Other family members listened in from outside the guest (main) room.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong/domain Ko'a
Genre: Fable. Title: Elementary school teacher Maria (Herlina?) Paku tells a fable, La no'o Dheke (R...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Ata pi'i cadi ro'a (Human becomes Monkey). Bethu Wonggane recorded with th...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere,...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Fable told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story t...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat). Ignasius Cawa, Cawalo, tells a short fable ab...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and rat). Mboe Erixon (12 yrs) recorded by his sist...
Genre: Fable. Title: De'u no'o Meo (Rat and Cat). This recording was done 4 July 2015 in the late mo...
Genre: Fable. Title: Keja no'o Ro'a (Turtle and Monkey). Fabel told by Magdalena Lue, lakimosa, wife...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o Waja (Monkey and Crocodile). The first of four tales told by Bapak Be...
Genre: Fable. Title: Watu, Widhi, Sau no'o Wawi (Stone, Goat, Dog and Pig). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a...
Genre: Fable. Title: Mita (12) tells a fable. Recorded by SD in her home 8 June 2015 in the morning ...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Fable. Title: Dheke no'o Sololika (Gecko and Sparrow). Fable told by Nggeno, daugter to Johan...
Genre: Fable. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Fabel told by Dewi (12) in front of ...
Genre: Fable. Title: Elementary school teacher Maria (Herlina?) Paku tells a fable, La no'o Dheke (R...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Ata pi'i cadi ro'a (Human becomes Monkey). Bethu Wonggane recorded with th...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere,...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Fable told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story t...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat). Ignasius Cawa, Cawalo, tells a short fable ab...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and rat). Mboe Erixon (12 yrs) recorded by his sist...
Genre: Fable. Title: De'u no'o Meo (Rat and Cat). This recording was done 4 July 2015 in the late mo...
Genre: Fable. Title: Keja no'o Ro'a (Turtle and Monkey). Fabel told by Magdalena Lue, lakimosa, wife...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o Waja (Monkey and Crocodile). The first of four tales told by Bapak Be...
Genre: Fable. Title: Watu, Widhi, Sau no'o Wawi (Stone, Goat, Dog and Pig). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a...
Genre: Fable. Title: Mita (12) tells a fable. Recorded by SD in her home 8 June 2015 in the morning ...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Fable. Title: Dheke no'o Sololika (Gecko and Sparrow). Fable told by Nggeno, daugter to Johan...
Genre: Fable. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Fabel told by Dewi (12) in front of ...
Genre: Fable. Title: Elementary school teacher Maria (Herlina?) Paku tells a fable, La no'o Dheke (R...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Ata pi'i cadi ro'a (Human becomes Monkey). Bethu Wonggane recorded with th...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere,...