Genre: Fable. Title: Mita (12) tells a fable. Recorded by SD in her home 8 June 2015 in the morning in kampong Mata mere with the AT2020 mic, sitting with her father Pidu Ebbe.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Mata Mere, Keli domain
Genre: Fairy tale. Title:Thusu sone (Many Breasts). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere, tells the funny ...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere,...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Nusa Tale no'o Mbu ritu. Toji Kandane (Ko'a) tells a Palu'e fairy tale; Nu...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Fable. Title: Fabel told by Intan (11) in front of her grandmother's (Mama Lue) house in kamp...
Genre: Fable. Title: Keja no'o Ro'a (Turtle and Monkey). Fabel told by Magdalena Lue, lakimosa, wife...
Genre: Fable. Title: Elementary school teacher Maria (Herlina?) Paku tells a fable, La no'o Dheke (R...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
Genre: Fable. Title: Dheke no'o Sololika (Gecko and Sparrow). Fable told by Nggeno, daugter to Johan...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Fable told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story t...
Genre: Fable. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Fabel told by Dewi (12) in front of ...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Paji Sundune tells a fable, Ro'a no'o De'u (Mon...
Genre: Fable. Title: Watu, Widhi, Sau no'o Wawi (Stone, Goat, Dog and Pig). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Umbundilujariku. Maria Methi recorded by Maria Methi in her home in Mata m...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat). Ignasius Cawa, Cawalo, tells a short fable ab...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title:Thusu sone (Many Breasts). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere, tells the funny ...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere,...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Nusa Tale no'o Mbu ritu. Toji Kandane (Ko'a) tells a Palu'e fairy tale; Nu...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Fable. Title: Fabel told by Intan (11) in front of her grandmother's (Mama Lue) house in kamp...
Genre: Fable. Title: Keja no'o Ro'a (Turtle and Monkey). Fabel told by Magdalena Lue, lakimosa, wife...
Genre: Fable. Title: Elementary school teacher Maria (Herlina?) Paku tells a fable, La no'o Dheke (R...
Genre: Fable. Title: Laku no'o Ro'a (Musang and Monkey). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a fable about Laku n...
Genre: Fable. Title: Dheke no'o Sololika (Gecko and Sparrow). Fable told by Nggeno, daugter to Johan...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Fable told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story t...
Genre: Fable. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Fabel told by Dewi (12) in front of ...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Paji Sundune tells a fable, Ro'a no'o De'u (Mon...
Genre: Fable. Title: Watu, Widhi, Sau no'o Wawi (Stone, Goat, Dog and Pig). Mboe Erixon (12) tells a...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Umbundilujariku. Maria Methi recorded by Maria Methi in her home in Mata m...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat). Ignasius Cawa, Cawalo, tells a short fable ab...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title:Thusu sone (Many Breasts). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere, tells the funny ...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Waja no'o Karapau (Crocodile and Buffalo). Lengu Nande, kampong Mata Mere,...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Nusa Tale no'o Mbu ritu. Toji Kandane (Ko'a) tells a Palu'e fairy tale; Nu...