Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat). Ignasius Cawa, Cawalo, tells a short fable about Rat and Monkey, which we have in many versions. After the usual end, in death or agony, Cawa shifts to talking about raw and cooked food, and Lionese people. He told two stories and two of his 'huru' 4 Oct 2015 in his home in kampong Cawalo after the Sunday's church service and lunch. This story is about money found during the Japanese occupation. Recorded with the Zoom H4N by Maria Methi (the first time she went to record someone by herself we thought better just use the Zoom), accompanied by her young brother Mboe, in Cawa's home. Present were also Maria Ngele (mother-in-law), Maria Olsiana Lanu and Delfi Methi (grandchildren). )Palu'e,...