Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Umbundilujariku. Maria Methi recorded by Maria Methi in her home in Mata mere late in the evening 3 Oct 2015, as preparation for her first recordings the following day. The tale she is telling ("Umbu ndilu jari ku") is a variant of the Lionese Ine Pare myth. The youngest child and only girl is sacrificed to make the empty plantation fertile and full of plants, rice is mentioned particularly. A man's voice had so whispered in a dream, and the girl agreed so that the family could eat. The recording is of good quality (recorded directly with the H4N's mics), little noise, because it was done in the night time and inside, and the dogs were quiet too. With Mboe, her brother, parents Pui and Yuli.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Ten...