Osteopenia, osteoporosis and bone fractures aresignificantly more common in type 1 diabetespatients than in healthy population. The main factorsassociated with decreased bone mineral density arethe onset of diabetes before puberty, long durationof the disease and poor metabolic control. Pathogenicfactors of osteoporosis in type 1 diabetes are insulinand IGF-1 deficiency, hyperglycaemia, ketoacidosis,dyslipidaemia, active vitamin D deficiency, increasedurine calcium excretion, decreased levels of sexhormones and coexistence of coeliac disease or otherautoimmunological diseases. In our paper we describemechanisms that may disturb bone remodellingand be a cause of inappropriate function ofosteoblasts and osteoclasts in type 1 diabetes.Presente...