Ostatnia dekada przyniosła wzrastające obciążenie społeczno-ekonomiczne dwoma palącymi problemami: ogromnym wzrostem występowania otyłości na całym świecie oraz - w związku ze starzeniem się społeczeństwa - dużym odsetkiem ludzi dotkniętych osteoporozą. Otyłość trzewna, wyrażona zwiększonym obwodem talii, jest w świetle aktualnych wytycznych zasadniczą komponentą zespołu metabolicznego (MS, metabolic syndrome). Dotychczas nie łączono występowania obu jednostek chorobowych, gdyż w badaniach udowadniano ochronny wpływ dużej masy ciała na gęstość mineralną kości (BMD, bone mineral density). Wiadomo jednak, że tkanka tłuszczowa jest aktywną endokrynnie tkanką wydzielającą wiele czynnych biologicznie związków mających wpływ także na kość, a adip...
The strong association between obesity and hypertension has been demonstrated in the general populat...
Background: Leptin is a peptide hormon produced by adipocytes responsible for satiety. Hyperleptinae...
Chronic complications of diabetes are associated mainly with changes in major and small arterial ves...
Ostatnia dekada przyniosła wzrastające obciążenie społeczno-ekonomiczne dwoma palącymi problemami: o...
Globally 50% of the population has excessive body mass. Scientific data suggests the complex and cau...
Hormony są istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na przebieg wielu procesów fizjologicznych w ludzkim org...
INTRODUCTION. Over the past two decades significant increase in overweight and obesity prevalence ha...
Obesity and overweight are one of the fundamental health problems of the contemporary world. The pre...
In postmenopausal obese women often is observed increase bone mineral density in relation to slim wo...
The metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and atheroscler...
INTRODUCTION. Metabolic syndrome (MS) remains worldwide health problem due to changes in life style ...
The genetic factors contribute to three types of obesity: monogenic obesity, syndromic obesity and c...
According to WHO data from 2013 obesity became a real epidemic of XXI century. One of the causes of ...
Background Obesity and arterial hypertension are important public health problems. Their prevalence ...
Hypertension is connected with calcium metabolism disorders. The most frequent abnormity is increase...
The strong association between obesity and hypertension has been demonstrated in the general populat...
Background: Leptin is a peptide hormon produced by adipocytes responsible for satiety. Hyperleptinae...
Chronic complications of diabetes are associated mainly with changes in major and small arterial ves...
Ostatnia dekada przyniosła wzrastające obciążenie społeczno-ekonomiczne dwoma palącymi problemami: o...
Globally 50% of the population has excessive body mass. Scientific data suggests the complex and cau...
Hormony są istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na przebieg wielu procesów fizjologicznych w ludzkim org...
INTRODUCTION. Over the past two decades significant increase in overweight and obesity prevalence ha...
Obesity and overweight are one of the fundamental health problems of the contemporary world. The pre...
In postmenopausal obese women often is observed increase bone mineral density in relation to slim wo...
The metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and atheroscler...
INTRODUCTION. Metabolic syndrome (MS) remains worldwide health problem due to changes in life style ...
The genetic factors contribute to three types of obesity: monogenic obesity, syndromic obesity and c...
According to WHO data from 2013 obesity became a real epidemic of XXI century. One of the causes of ...
Background Obesity and arterial hypertension are important public health problems. Their prevalence ...
Hypertension is connected with calcium metabolism disorders. The most frequent abnormity is increase...
The strong association between obesity and hypertension has been demonstrated in the general populat...
Background: Leptin is a peptide hormon produced by adipocytes responsible for satiety. Hyperleptinae...
Chronic complications of diabetes are associated mainly with changes in major and small arterial ves...