Most of the scientific studies indicates the increase of frequency of bone fractures in people with type 2 diabetes in comparison to subjects without carbohydrate metabolism disturbations despite the usually increased bone density in type 2 diabetes. The poor bone quality could be responsible for this effect. The aim of this study was to assessed what kind of factors influence the bone density and quality in women with type 2 diabetes with the poor metabolic control. The age of the subjects in this studied group was determined as the strongest factor.W większości dotychczas przeprowadzonych badań wskazuje się na zwiększoną częstość złamań kości u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 (mimo zwykle zwiększonej gęstości kości) w stosunku do osób bez zabu...
INTRODUCTION. Metabolic syndrome (MS) remains worldwide health problem due to changes in life style ...
Traditionally, type 2 diabetes mellitus was considered a disease of adulthood. Recently, although st...
Globally 50% of the population has excessive body mass. Scientific data suggests the complex and cau...
Osteopenia, osteoporosis and bone fractures aresignificantly more common in type 1 diabetespatients ...
Chronic complications of diabetes are associated mainly with changes in major and small arterial ves...
Ostatnia dekada przyniosła wzrastające obciążenie społeczno-ekonomiczne dwoma palącymi problemami: o...
In the studies conducted in the last decade in Poland, a tendency of the increase in the percentage ...
Niska masa kostna była dotychczas tradycyjnie łączona z cukrzycą typu 1. Ostatnie badania potwierdzi...
It is of major clinical importance to establish diagnostic procedures and treatment modalities in Po...
Hormony są istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na przebieg wielu procesów fizjologicznych w ludzkim org...
The adipose tissue is not only energy storage, but also an important endocrine organ. On the other h...
Istotnym problemem klinicznym jest opracowanie metod diagnostycznych i terapeutycznych w Polsce, w...
Anorexia nervosa (AN) has in recent years become considerably more common. The disease primarily aff...
INTRODUCTION. Type 2 diabetes may be present for several years before diagnosis, by which time many ...
The increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in postmenopausal women requires proper therap...
INTRODUCTION. Metabolic syndrome (MS) remains worldwide health problem due to changes in life style ...
Traditionally, type 2 diabetes mellitus was considered a disease of adulthood. Recently, although st...
Globally 50% of the population has excessive body mass. Scientific data suggests the complex and cau...
Osteopenia, osteoporosis and bone fractures aresignificantly more common in type 1 diabetespatients ...
Chronic complications of diabetes are associated mainly with changes in major and small arterial ves...
Ostatnia dekada przyniosła wzrastające obciążenie społeczno-ekonomiczne dwoma palącymi problemami: o...
In the studies conducted in the last decade in Poland, a tendency of the increase in the percentage ...
Niska masa kostna była dotychczas tradycyjnie łączona z cukrzycą typu 1. Ostatnie badania potwierdzi...
It is of major clinical importance to establish diagnostic procedures and treatment modalities in Po...
Hormony są istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na przebieg wielu procesów fizjologicznych w ludzkim org...
The adipose tissue is not only energy storage, but also an important endocrine organ. On the other h...
Istotnym problemem klinicznym jest opracowanie metod diagnostycznych i terapeutycznych w Polsce, w...
Anorexia nervosa (AN) has in recent years become considerably more common. The disease primarily aff...
INTRODUCTION. Type 2 diabetes may be present for several years before diagnosis, by which time many ...
The increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in postmenopausal women requires proper therap...
INTRODUCTION. Metabolic syndrome (MS) remains worldwide health problem due to changes in life style ...
Traditionally, type 2 diabetes mellitus was considered a disease of adulthood. Recently, although st...
Globally 50% of the population has excessive body mass. Scientific data suggests the complex and cau...