An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.I ALBERTA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 4. . >938 M and virants to he there on time LIGHT CREPES WITH colorful,, floral patterns featuring the gathered bodic tailored Striped 4>, o is going places .buttons — etc» Also some neat, SILK DRESSES. BEAUTIFUL DARK & who $2.45, Mrs. Georgs Colony died January 24th. suffering with cancer for eight years. f i; c Kaidaer of the Hew Elm Spring' She has been \ Don Gruninger and Mr. Mike Gruninger \ and power^almos «i Mr. have moved back to Magrath from Sunnybrook Mike has purchased the old Passey home from Bob Kormos and Don has bought out John Meincinger....