An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content..4VWma^n»W»njWH»flR»IMUnWlWWIPW^W’’! i| Page 1 MAGRATH, ALBERTA, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1938. WD. 8 to 11 ,__ SSAATTo___ , . 7 HOURS __________ 8' to 9 , Spading Forks Priced each $1.25 Your opportunity to || win a Congoleum Rug 11 FREE! I) Enter the guessing- |j contest now on in the] Magrath Trading Co. Hardware Department. Contest closes April 30th ■ I j• iI' : 5 j \ Garden Early liarvel Stratagem Golden Bantam Sweet Spanish 25^ 20 / 10< Per lb* Dutch Garden Hoes/. Solid Scoket. :k 5 J\5 \ Peas Corn Onions Carrots H&lf Lons Radishes■ X* Lam Grass Sweet Rea Seed Clover *■*. Dutch Onio...