An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.i MAG-RATH, ALBERTA, y. : Ï ;: FRIDAY, OCTOB SR 14, 1938 to i; SAT.. B to 9 Tmk ONKAt WcsttRH Gaamcnt Co. LT». t » I • z A good place to trade." Every man likes to have a plentiful supply of really smart shirts of better quality materials. Our shirts aro tailored by exp art Craftsmen from high-count broadcloths in snappy shades and patterns — finished with attached "Fused" eollars that keep their smooth appearance after many launderings. Sizes 14 to 17—, i ' # r a RiN.G- ; ’ .OVz/7/.S ■ ■ ■ Z(7Z? AVw WHQÿHÜW THL BL Obtainable in black and brown. . Boys’ - Youth’s $2.25. $1.85. Ties...