An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.HOURS í MAGRATH, ALBERTA, FRIDAY Boy’s wear- .resisting shirts. Your choice Doeskin, Flannel, Habitant Covert Cibth and .Chambray. Sizes 'll to I4^r. They have double yoke, faced openings, and one breatt pocket. man chooses BOBBER' suiti, made-to-meas' ure, would pleas© Navy & Black but they improv© New Fell & Winter here. $4.75. any man. Clothes do not make the man [ LIN. A Hobberlin The smartly dressed X. Neatly and strongly made from gooc. quality Melton Cloth with zipper front, leather facing on slash pockets and in sizes from 6 t|? 18 Color Priced. $4,95 Boys’ Swea...