An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.• 8 to 9 STD'IE MAGRAd, ALBERTA, FRIDAY 8 to..c.... .............. 8,to.11 Please Note:- Home furnishings can be seen at a-glance in our New Department upstairs. We invite you to visit this new depaTtment. Comfortable of Solid Walnut, Sold the set, Chiffoniere $27.50. Vanity $37.50, Bed $24.75. Cedar Chest With reversible cushions. Chesterfield, two ohairs rnd a footstool. 'Occasional 199.50 o I SLUMBER KING t-li Matt r e s s o nF0k THE REST OF YOUR LIFE,". 124,75» ¿yf — . Slumber King The Ideal Bas© f°r a Spring-filled Mattress. $12d0. ____________________ _________ _________ ___...