An archive of the Milo Canopener.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content./Ad Rates Business Directory $5.00 Quarter Page $6.00 Half Page $8.00 Full Page $15.00 Classifieds $2.00 The following items are free of charge Notices Announcements (Wedding, Anniversary, Birth, Showers, etc) Cards of Thanks News Items Articles Subscription Rates Picked up or delivered $14.00 Mailed $22.00 USA $26.00 Other Countries $38.00 Single Copy $2.00 — Letters to the Can Opener are Welcome Please sign them, no letter will be printed if not signed. Requests to remain anonymous will be honored. Please sent items to the following staff Georgina Ully......599-2424 Iris Gough.......