An archive of the Milo Canopener.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content.Ad "Rates Business IHrcetory..$5/moii Quarter p;u|o.............$0.00 Half l>aj|<).....................„$11.00 Full l*a(|0.......................$15,110 Classifieds-------------.$2.00 iMicos...........................$2.00 Thankymis.....................u/e ikiliy Wedding Annmiincomcnts...n/c Sows itoius, reports....n/o Subscription Rates If you roclovo your nuiil iu Alilo HMtMKtHtMIHMIMHH $12.00 Out of Alilo urea $20.00 0.S.A Out of country.....$30.00 Siitj|Ie copy $24.00 Letters to the Can Opener are Welcome! PLEASE SIGN THEM, NO LETTER WILL BE PRINTED WITHOUT A SIGNATURE. 1 he Can...