An archive of the Milo Canopener.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content.So ediikm M<Hf'93 '<2*r j■M "Rates Business Birectory..$5/num (Quarter page,............$0.00 Half Page................$0.00 Full Page.................$13.00 Classifieds. Notices.... Subscription Rates If you reeieve yowr mail in Milo.................».„..„.$12.00 Out of U\) aim .$2.00 Thank-yous............. „n/e llahy & Wadding Annonincements,....n/e Sews items, reports..,„,n/e O.S.J. .$24.00 Hut of country,.........$30.00 Single copy------------ please^^^T^fto^^reWelconie! WITHOUT A SrcNATUmS BE PRWTED Iomh“ iP“oThSt“/^^LhAST/»®AY o' page. Stated ln the calendar on the back PLEAS...