An archive of the Milo Canopener.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content.Jtd Rates Business llireelory...$5.0(1 (fuarter ...........$0.00 Hill) page...._______$11.00 Full page.......................$15.0n Classifieds.................$2.00 Kodees, Thankyou’s, Baby Wedding annouuceinenls, news items, arl;icles.....u/e Sutascmpllon ‘Rates Picked up or delivered ****** ...........$12.00 Alailed__________$20.00 B.S.A t»*HtHM*mt*m****t*t*M» $24.00 Oul; of country.......$30.00 1/ aimjiu Letters to the Can Opener are Welcome! PLEASE SIGN THEM, no letter will be printed without a signature. The Can Opener is Printed on the LAST FRIDAY of each month, unless otherw...