Milo Canopener (June 1, 1995)

Publication date
June 1995
Milo Community Volunteers


An archive of the Milo Canopener.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content.Jtd Rates Business llireelory...$5.0(1 (fuarter ...........$0.00 Hill) page...._______$11.00 Full page.......................$15.0n Classifieds.................$2.00 Kodees, Thankyou’s, Baby Wedding annouuceinenls, news items, arl;icles.....u/e Sutascmpllon ‘Rates Picked up or delivered ****** ...........$12.00 Alailed__________$20.00 B.S.A t»*HtHM*mt*m****t*t*M» $24.00 Oul; of country.......$30.00 1/ aimjiu Letters to the Can Opener are Welcome! PLEASE SIGN THEM, no letter will be printed without a signature. The Can Opener is Printed on the LAST FRIDAY of each month, unless otherw...

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