NEWMAN Killian Kaiser, Duane Morris, Bob Walscher, Jim Schmidt, Warren Arman, Perl Keys. Ron Geck, Frank Huber, Tom Bickler, Ev Martin, Selmer Swoboda, Duke Simons. Margie Zimmerman, Janet Schlener, Mary Muggli, Joanne Hunkele, Advisor Hansen, Delphine Hoffman. George Werner, Jeanne Johanneson, John Hunkele, Jane Olson, Francis Wahl. St. Mary's grade school basement is the scene of the Newman Clu b' s twice monthly meetings. Their program consists of a lecture discussion by Father Colgan, and one Sunday a month they receive Communion in a body, which is followed by a breakfast. Under the advisorship of Miss Alice Hansen the group holds several dances and parties throughout the year. Their officers are President John Hunkele, vice- president...