ROW1. M. Schwehr, P. Manly, J. Arntz, D. Caad, S. Meier, J. Gludt, S. Lantz, G. Schwartz. ROW2. J. Hulligan, G. Marris, D. Fischer, K. Jahannesan, M. Wald, J. McGarvey, D. Prouty, C. Gerhardt, T. Welder, K. Grabinger. Newman, an organization of Cathol ic students attending BJC and St. Alexis School of Nursing, holds their bi- weekly meetings at St. Mary's Central High School under the guidance of an execu-tive council, composed of the officers and committee chairman. A well rounded, religious- recreation- education program is carried out. The Rev. Thomas J. Dolan is Chaplain of the Club and Miss Alice Hansen is Faculty Advisor. Newman Oub Officers: K. Johanneson, Vice- President; S. Lantz, Secretary; J. Gludt, President. Nat Pictured: Murla...