OFFICERS Mary Jane Koval. President; Patrick Def'orest, Treasurer; NOT PICTURED: Leonard Hauck. Secretary; Esther Ziegler. Vice President. NE W M A N Meetings of the Newman Club, under the advisorship of Father Thomas Dolan and Miss Alice Hansen, are held the first Wednesday and third Sunday of each month. Activities are General Communion Sundays, Days of Recollection, Holy Hours, having guest speakers, mixers, and parties. The 1955- 1956 Conventions were at Moorhead, Minnesota, and at Grand Forks, North Dakota. Members of the Newman Club are Catholic students from B.]. C. and St. A1exius School of Nursing. C L U B ROW ONE: Judy Hoffman. Joyce Uhde , Mary Sowka, Mary Pfenning, Helen Steinbruec k, Mary Jane Koval. ROW TWO: Pat Deforest, Mary...