ROW 1: G. Vetter, R. Keller, D. Draper, S. Olson, J. Giesinger, E. Lacher. ROW 2: A. Senger, N. Herner, V. Lipp, I. Lovin, B. LaPage, A. Bendish, C. Ternes. STANDING: A. Ressler, N. Kessler, D. Gustin, 1. Smith, D. Chaussee, T. O'Neil, A. DeChandt, R. Bender, 1. Bonogofsky , S. Siren, R. Fischer. The Newman Club, composed of Catholic students, is under the able direction of Rev. John Feeney and Alice Hansen. Religious, educational, and recreational activities are all part of the Newman Club program. Officers of the group are E. Volk, N. Herner, and R. Fischer