The Newman Club of BJC is the organization for Catholic students under the very able leadership of Father Thomas J. Dolan. The club provides an excellent outlet for so-cial and spiritual activity. Meetings are held twice a month consisting of business, discussion, and lectures on pertinent local, national, and religious issues, and a con-cluding lunch. The activities of the club include sponsoring a religion class each semester for which two college credits are given. Last spring the group produced monthly television programs explaining the activities of the club. " L Colness; Presi- " 1 Representative, . Row 1: StUde nt couSnChw1 ebr. D seneff . dent, M. ~. Volk; secr~ tar: presi. dent. RoW2: Treasur:;' E\: J.; rnantraut, V1Ce Not Pictured...