H. Hill, G. Smith, L. Blattner, H. Schulz" D. Swenson, E. Ely, W. Gray, V. Barrett, N. Buechler, D. Duerre, D. Koon, L. Mees, W. Wilson, S. Peightal, D. Anderson STUDENT ASSOCIATION Advisor, W. Wilson; vice- president, E. EIYi secretary- treasurer, D. Anderson; president, N. Buechler. The Student Association is composed of repre-sentatives from each class and organization, under the advisorship of Mr. Wilson. The Association has general supervisory duties for student activities, including the formation of policies and providing for and supervising social functions. This year a major project was the formulation of a constitution. Hobo Daze is the first activity sponsored an-nually by the Student Association, followed by mixers, parties, and ...