Student Council Members of the 1960-61 Student Council. Row 1 - Allen Richter, Dean Walker, Dennis Gartner, Rod Tjaden, Bob Porter, Gary Pederson, Charles Pudwill, Gary Maddock, Kyle Twaddle, and Don Fischer. Row 2 - Lucille Uttke, Karen Anderson, Patricia Lenihan, Mary Kay Gallagher,Maxine Tebel ius, Jeanne Schroedl, Dyvonne Erickson, Karen Moore, Joanne Worthington, Linda Small, Curtis Juhala , and advisors, Mike Wickstrom, Cal Heine, and George Lawer. BJC's 1960-61 Student Council officers and members may be best described as enthusiastic, original, and aggressive. It would be hard to find more efficient leaders than those who led the student body of Bismarck Junior College through the past school year. It is said that no organization is...