ガラス戸のある客間の縁側で庭を眺めながらくつろいでいる4人の芸妓たち。向かって左端の女性は丸髷に簪、明るい縞柄の着物に千鳥結び、三味線を手にしている。その右はやや年増で黒塗りの高下駄を履く。次は見習いの芸子か、右端は丸髷に簪、無地だが明るい着物。廊下の奥には籐椅子が見える。明治後期から大正時代か。Four geisha are relaxing on the "engawa" porch of a guest room with windows, looking at the garden. The woman on the left has her hair arranged in "marumage" style with floral hairpins and her striped sash tied in "chidori-musubi" fashion. She is holding a "shamisen" lute. The slightly elderly woman next to her is wearing black lacquer clogs with high supports. Next to her is an apprentice geisha, and the woman on the far right wears a brightly coloured kimono. A reed chair is visible on the right. Taken in the late Meiji or Taisho Period