知恩院境内を霊塔南東側より北東に望む。石畳の参道が前方より一直線に延び、左方の本堂の御影(ごえい)堂、右方の経蔵へと続く。背後に華頂山をいただく。御影堂前には洋服にステッキを持った男性の姿、経蔵前には2対の石灯籠が見える。御影堂は寛永16年(1639)の創建で、入母屋、本瓦葺の大堂である。.Northeastern view of Chion-in Temple grounds, looking northeast from the southeastern side of Reito Pagoda. The straight stone approach leads to Goei-do (Buddha Sanctuary) of the main hall on the left and the Kyozo (Sutra Library) on the right. A man in Western dress with a cane stands in front of Goei-do. Goei-do was constructed in 1639 in the irimoya style with roof tiles. A pair of stone lanterns is visible in front of the Kyozo