京都市東山区新橋通。知恩院は、法然上人の吉水禅房にはじまる、浄土宗総本山。三門は、徳川秀忠による日本最大の楼門である。元和5年(1619)着工、2年後完成している。写真は、境内の右手の池にかかる石橋ごしに斜め横から三門を見る。Shinbashi Street of the Higashiyama district of Kyoto City. Chionin is the head temple of the Jodo Sect which was initiated by Honen Jonin of Yoshimizu Zenbo (temple of the Zen sect). The gate is the largest Sakura Gate in Japan, built by Tokugawa Hidetada. The construction was started in 1619 and completed two years later. The photo looks at the gate over the stone bridge to the right of the lake within the temple