浄光明寺の本堂へ続く階段であろうか。浄光明寺には本尊として、足利直義の念持仏と伝える矢拾地蔵がまつられている。伝えによると足利直義が戦いのとき、すべての矢が尽きてしまった。その時、小僧一人が走り出て、直義が射捨てた矢をささげた。直義は不思議に思い、守り地蔵をみたところ、矢を一筋錫杖に持ちそえていたという。These may be the steps leading to the main building of Jokomyoji Temple. The main Buddha is the Yahiroi Jizo which is said to be the Nenji Buddha (Buddha for daily worship) of Ashikaga Naoyoshi. According to legend, when Ashikaga Naoyoshi had used up all of his arrows, a young priest stepped forward holding one of his used arrows. Naoyoshi was puzzled, and when he looked at the Jizo it was holding an arrow along with its cane