Monolepis nuttalliana (Schult.) Greene 1891 (M. trifida (Trevir.) Schrad. 1830). F suolasavikka. N spydmelde. - Almost glabrous annual, up to 20 cm. Stem erect, richly branched. Leaves spirally arranged, petiolate; lower leaves with petiole 1.5-3 cm and blade 2-3.5 cm; upper leaves gradually smaller; blade lanceolate to oblong, with cuneate base and a pair of conspicuous teeth below the middle but otherwise entire. Flowers ebracteolate, bisexual or female, in small axillary clusters. Tepals 1 (3 in terminal flowers), green, 1-2 mm. Stamens 1 (2 in terminal flowers). Stigmas 2. Fruit a nut. Seed vertical, orbicular in outline, c. 1 mm; edge keeled; seed-coat papillose, black. - [2n=l 8] D OJy Vejle 1928 (grain mill). N Ak Oslo 1892-1946 (...