Chenopodium multifidum L. 1753. N ullmelde. S ullmålla. - Similar to C. ambrosioides (22) but stems procumbent and upper leaves bipinnatifid (lowermost leaves entire but visible only in young plants). Leaves up to 3 cm. Flowers in axillary clusters; perianth in fruit saccate and with reticulate venation. - [2n=32] D Sjæ København (port) 1920, 1940, 1950 and Pedersborg (with cork from the Mediterranean) 1953, 1959, 1964. N 0/Fredrikstad 1881 (ballast from Argentina) and �A Lillesand 1909 (ballast from the Mediterranean). S BhG Göteborg 1952. - South America; naturalized e.g. in the Mediterranean.Published as part of Jonsell, B., Karlsson, 2005, Chenopodiaceae - Fumariaceae (Chenopodium), pp. 4-31 in Flora Nordica 2 on page 3