18B. subsp. glaucophyllum (Aellen) Aellen 1943 (C. glaucophyllum Aellen 1929). F preeriasavikka. S präriemålla. - Up to 60 cm; stem green-striped or red, often ascending, richly branched. Leaf-blades bluish especially below, often bordered with red, elliptic to elliptic-ovate, 2-4 cm, c. twice as long as wide, entire to shallowly and sparsely dentate. Inflorescences fairly lax. - [2n=36] S BhG Nödinge 1948 (Blom 1961). F at least V Turku 1951, Naantali 1975, ES Savonlinna 1951, 1953; brought in with North American wheat, maize and soybeans. - N North America.Published as part of Jonsell, B., Karlsson, 2005, Chenopodiaceae - Fumariaceae (Chenopodium), pp. 4-31 in Flora Nordica 2 on page 2